Project 366 | November
Oh November. We have a bit of a love/hate relationship. Actually, it used to be just hate until Levi was born last November. But this year we saw our little man turn one. It’s hard to believe! Peter and I are enjoying discovering more about his little personality and it is pretty wild how quickly he is learning new things. We had a couple of dicey weeks with his molars coming in and I felt like I was going to lose my mind once or twice, but I am lucky to have the best mother-in-law who took Levi off my hands for a few afternoons so I could regroup (also my mom will want me to mention that she was off saving lives in Ghana otherwise she would have helped me too)! I think we have one more 1-year molar to go and then I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be done with teething for a while! Anyhow, I am marching along with the project and I think making it through this month was a victory. Hoping I can blaze through Christmas and then January and finish strong!